Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner

On Monday we had our Thanksgiving dinner, we invited everyone in our building to join us for a potluck. We were very excited when everyone wanted to come. We had to rearrange our living room and borrow chairs and a table from our neighbours so that we could fit 13 people.

I cooked three turkey breast roasts, made some gravy and stuffing. Thanks to everyone bringing something we had a proper Thanksgiving meal with mashed potatoes, veggies, buns, salad, and fruit salad, a vegetable dish, beer and wine. For dessert we had ice cream and a pie, I don't remember the proper name but it was Dutch and very good.

Everyone showed up between 6:00 and 7:00 to chat and at just after 7:00 we ate. After the meal we sat and talked together until midnight. Overall it was a great evening, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the meal.

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