Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stuff We Miss

We've been in Edinburgh for ten weeks, and there's a number of things that simply aren't here. There's the obvious stuff we miss, like our families and friends (and Lucy, Sneakers, Alexis, Jimmy and Jack).  But then there's all that other stuff.

For example, I'm missing
  • french vanilla cappuccino and cinnamon sugar doughnuts from Tim Hortons
  • fluffy pancakes
  • cheesies
  • new seasons of US tv shows, like The Office and My Name Is Earl
  • borrowing the car
  • perogies
  • important events, like weddings of good friends
  • washing our hands and face with warm water
  • familiar coins, the 12 hour clock and automatically knowing which way to look when crossing the road
And then there's the stuff I'll miss when we leave, like
  • so many good britcoms, on tv and on cheap dvds at HMV
  • walking around the corner and seeing Edinburgh castle
  • excellent shopping
  • Boots pharmacy and free prescriptions
  • no snow
  • the history
  • a washer/dryer under the kitchen counter
  • the ability to travel from one end of the country to the other in under 12 hours
I'm really happy we're heading home to Southern Ontario and Tennessee for Christmas (Tim Hortons, here I come!).  And I'll also be happy to come back home to Edinburgh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If it's the fluffy cheesies you're looking for, they're called wotsits. If it's the crunchy ones, I can't help you :)