Thursday, February 12, 2009

Working out at the Pleasance

Last summer Derek and I had a plan.  We would move to Edinburgh, get settled into our place, find our way around town (and my school), and join a gym to stay active and counteract all that not so healthy British food we'd heard so much about.  Shockingly, it didn't happen.  Not that we didn't stay active.  The countless hills, hikes up the crags and large city parks kept us moving just about every day.  We'd go for walks to get our bearings and find new views of Edinburgh castle or some beautiful church to enjoy.  But joining the gym had been a goal of ours that wasn't reached, or even started.

Over Christmas, we got a push in the right direction.  Knowing about our desire to hit the gym, for Christmas Derek's mom got us some very useful presents.  Running shoes and sport socks from the Reebok store at St. Jacob's outlet mall, a pale blue gym bag, and cool stainless steel water bottles had us ready to go.  Derek had gym clothes from last year, and I was given a great pair of cropped pants to pair with my dance school or Canadian olympic t-shirts.

After getting back home to Edinburgh we hit the ground running (literally, for Derek anyway).  The school gym is called the CSE -- the Centre for Sport and Exercise -- and is located about 10 minutes away in the Pleasance.  They have an amazing selection of new cardio equipment, my preference, all of which have their own little televisions to watch.  There's also an amazing rock climbing room a couple stories high, raquet ball courts and a large gym.  I spend my time on the treadmill and either the elliptical or the bike.  Derek goes from the treadmill to the weight room, and then we meet up to stretch.  We go three times a week, and its rather nice.  I knew I would never go on my own, so this is working out (no pun intended) rather well for both of us, I think.

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