Thursday, June 18, 2009

The New Flat

Well, I'll start with the most important element of our new place: it feels like home :)  It took a bit of work to put it all together and get comfortable, but it's a nice little home now.

What all did we do?  Well, there was all the cleaning that had to happen, and arranging for the electricity and cable and internet and phone etc.  It took a couple days to discover that there were shelves under the bed, so we lived out of our suitcases until I made it to Ikea with a friend and picked up some hanging shelves, along with some throws to cover the couch and chairs with.  And we've had a number of friends over to check the place out, and from their feedback it sounds like we found ourselves a good one.

There's still some stuff to sort out, of course.  We need to get our name on the apt. listing by the front door, which just takes an email.  There appears to be a mouse problem, which isn't too big of a surprise as we live in a city with a mouse and rat problem, but pest control is on their way.  It's not like at the last place where I actually saw the mouse; this time I've just heard scratching in the night, and for two mornings in a row we've found dust and various things pushed out from under the wall which separates our flat from the neighbours.  The phone line didn't work for almost a week, but we've had the Virgin Media technician in and since then it's been fine (ie. we now have a dial tone, rather than static and loud screeching noises).

It's been amazing having an open-concept living room-kitchen.  Derek doesn't disappear anymore for the half hour before dinner!  And I won't even get started on how great it is to have a dishwasher... for those of you who, like me, have gone for years (roughly 14 out of the past 15 years actually) without one, you know what a big deal it is to have the dishes get done without you or a loved one having to tackle them every day.  Plus, with the single sinks here, dirty dishes used to take up so much space!

Anyway, I suppose my thesis is that we're happy in our new home.  Oh, and it turns out that the couch with its view of the castle is actually a sofa-bed, so you should really think about coming to visit! 

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