Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Weekend

We had a pretty good Easter weekend this year, although certainly not weather-wise! As you likely heard on the news, Britain was hit by a final bout of snow last week, just to make sure that we hadn't forgotten that it's been her coldest winter in 30 years. Scotland got hit particularly hard of course, with blizzards and flurries and freezing rain. It was all gone within a day, but the cold damp winds remained.

Contrast this with Ontario's weather. 27 or 28 degrees and sunny. Of course it would be a beautiful Easter weekend just to add to all we were missing -- family dinners, barbecues, egg hunts etc. Sigh. But I don't begrudge anyone back home of some much needed warmth after what sounded like a long, cold winter. And while we had received an awful lot of snow around Christmas, it was gone by mid-January, and only a few flakes had fallen since until last week.

By Saturday the sun had come back out, so we headed out on a long walk around the base of the crags. In the evening we Skyped with family back home, which was so nice. Sure, the phone would be fine (although not cheap) for an everyday chat, but for me it is so important and reassuring to see the faces and expressions of the loved ones we're speaking with. And then to be able to see lots of family who have gathered together for the holidays like on this past weekend, well, that's pretty special.

Overnight the Easter Bunny stopped by the flat, leaving a nice little collection of Marks and Spencers chocolate for me, and had found some excellent hiding spots for Derek's goodies (my favourite would have to have been a bag of crisps inside the file folder). We went to a morning service at St. Giles Cathedral, then spent most of the afternoon playing Paper Mario on the Wii. That evening there was lots more chatting on Skype, which was a nice way to wrap up the holiday (as unlike everywhere else in the UK, Easter Monday isn't a holiday in Scotland).

I hope you all had a very happy Easter :)

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