Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Wedding Prep

The Big Day is almost here! I can't turn on the news without seeing a reporter in front of Westminster Abbey or having to listen to a 'Royal Correspondent' speculate on what they couldn't possibly know about the details of William's and Kate's big day. My personal preparations have involved buying bunting (a 5 metre string of little Union Jacks to hang up in my living room) and deciding to wear my Garden Party and make scones with Derek. I'm having a good friend over, and we'll be spending the morning nibbling on British foods, glued to the television. I'm looking forward to it.

I certainly don't envy everyone back home who would have to wake up at 3am to watch the entire coverage, or at least 6 to watch the ceremony. Here the wedding starts at 11am, a very reasonable time for a wedding if I do say so myself :) We've been getting tons of informative and fun resources on the day and I thought I'd pass a few of them along to my non-British-resident readers.

The most important for following the wedding would have to be the day's schedule. For that I've turned to the couple's blog. It's amazing how precisely the day has been planned out. I'm sure with many millions of pounds being spent on security, weeks of bomb checks, days of police-lined streets and bodyguards and policemen disguised in other ceremonial uniforms throughout the processions that everything will go amazingly smoothly.

The government has been trying to encourage Britons to hold big street party's in honour of the occasion. I don't think I'll see any around here. Scotland just doesn't seem to be getting swept up in Royal Wedding fever. Glasgow was actually on the news this morning for having not put in a single request for such a party. But if you were to have a party, of course you'd need appropriate food. Where better to turn than BBC's own selection of Royal Wedding recipes? I can't stomach coronation chicken myself, but that's just me.

Finally, Derek caught an interesting news clip this morning of all the betting on the Royal Wedding that's been taking place. I would never have thought of such a thing! People are betting on everything from what time Kate will arrive, to whether Harry will forget or drop the ring, will Philip fall asleep during the ceremony, and what colour hat will the Queen wear? (My guess is turquoise, as I've been seeing her in a lot of blue lately). It looks like all the major betting firms are taking bets on these and more. Crazy.

I'm excited about seeing the big day. I'm sure Kate will look beautiful, and I hope absolutely nothing happens to spoil their big day. This means that the rain showers that are threatening London had better hold off! I'm also looking forward to Edinburgh welcoming its own Royal Wedding this summer, on July 30, when Princess Anne's daughter Zara Phillips will marry England rugby player Mike Tindall. They're planning to have their reception at the Palace of Holyrood House, where Derek and I attended the Queen's Garden Party last summer. So there's another wedding to look forward to in the near future, but I don't think it can compare on scale, excitement, or international interest. I'll be looking for it though :)

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