Monday, September 15, 2008

Arrived In Edinburgh

We arrived safely in Edinburgh on September 11th, and are now nicely settled in to our place. We do not yet have internet at our place, we only have a mobile phone. Once we get our bank account set up we will be able to get internet. And we can't get a bank account until we have proof of where we live, which we should be getting in the next day or two.

My cousin Daniel came on the 13th early in the morning, not having internet at the time we weren't expecting him yet. He brought with him a friend, a friend I didn't realize until after dinner that he had actually just met that during the bus ride from London.

We've been doing a lot of walking, we've toured around the city on foot, and yesterday Daniel and I climbed the mountain up to Arthur's Seat.

Apart from the frustration of setting up a bank account and not being able to get internet at home I am really enjoying being here, so far it seems sort of like a vacation, but our place really feels like home to me.


Anonymous said...

So, what is your home like? Old new, small, huge? Are you actually in Edinburgh, or an outlying area? Can you understand everyone that you've met, or has there been people whose brogue is too thick? What are the grocery store prices like?

Alot coming at you, eh?! You can answer in your own t
ime, as long as you are having fun, feeling comfortable, over there, that's all that matters!

Have a great day!


Derek said...

Our home is a flat in an old building, but the interior was redone in 2004. A good sized bedroom and living room with around 14 foot ceilings. We are right at the southern edge of what they call old town (pre-1760s or so). There is a large range of accents, and some of the people are hard for us to understand.

Grocery store prices are generally a bit higher, but some things are much more expensive and other things are less expensive then we were used to.